Donors by Fund
The Wolfeboro Library Foundation maintains several named funds for specific purposes as well as unrestricted funds. Donors are encouraged to select a fund of their choice or to leave the donation undesignated. In the latter case, the donation will be placed into Unrestricted Funds.
We are pleased to recognize and thank these donors for supporting the Landscape Funds on behalf of the Wolfeboro Public Library.
Sue and Dick Ayers
Nancy Bell in Memory of Hugh and Geraldine Bell
The Biber Foundation
Doris S. Bodette in Memory of Ralph F Bodette Jr.
Bud and Betsy Booth in Honor of our Grandchildren
M. Brackinridge in Memory of Harry G. Brackinridge
David and Ellen Caputo
Steve and Lenore Clark
Phil and Sara Clarkson
Peter and Judy Cole
Bob and Helen Conrad in Memory of Evangelyn Sandeen
Bradford and Marjorie Cook
The Copeland Family
Rick and Linda Crootof
Judith and Carl Crosley
JoAnne G. Dempsey in honor of Jack, Owen, Hugh, and Shannon Dempsey
David and Deborah Denby
Paul and Edie DesMarais
Douglas Dugan
Lauren and Stephen Fleet
Eric Gibson and Jean Pearce in Honor of Steve Farley and Sachika Tuttle
Brad and Hume Gile
Bruce Gordon
Gorrell Family Foundation
Raymond and Joan Green in Honor of Sylvia Myers
Lucy and Skip Hancock
Susan and Alan Harding
The Hesler Family in Memory of Sally Beth Hesler
Neal and Leigh Hesler
Nancy Hirshberg
Gail and Don Holm
John Honor
Sandy and Howard Hurd in Memory of Richard Furda
Patricia D. Jones
Anne Kalter
Diane and Fred Kollmorgen
James Krey in Memory of Barbara Krey
Ken and Margaret Marschner
William and Stefani Marsh
Shelly C. McGee in Honor of Susan M. Poirier
Sheila Meehan
Herb and Bette Miesfeldt
Marjorie and Patrick Morris
Gloria Narinkevicuis in Memory of Albert Joncas
Jane S. Newcomb
Jane S. Newcomb in Memory of Barbara Krey
Jim and Carol Nupp in Memory of Ralph and Jane Nupp
Ronald and Elissa Paquette in Memory of Laura L. Kurth
Susan M. Poirier
Susan M. Poirier in Memory of Roger B. Gauthier
John Sandeen in Memory of Evangelyn Sandeen
Julie Sandeen
Laura Spellman
Amy Tamburri in Honor of Mollica Tamburri
Richard E. Tasker
Candace W. Thayer in Memory of Evangelyn Sandeen
Charles and Kerry Tyler
The Wolfeboro Fund of the NH Charitable Foundation
Lawrence and Linda Wilberton
Inger and Bob Woerheide