News & Events
Find out what's happening with the Wolfeboro Public Library Foundation.
Wolfeboro Library Go Green Campaign
The Wolfeboro Library Go Green Campaign is ready to accept donations for the greening of the library grounds. Following the successful building of the library interior, the next phase for the new library is to complete the exterior landscaping. The beautiful design of the exterior grounds, generated by the landscape architectural firm of Horsley-Witten, is highlighted in this picture.
The landscape design features many beautiful trees, flower gardens, a storytime area, an inspiration path and steps, wetlands garden and bridge, and building plantings. In addition, the plan improves handicap access, provides green buffers for neighbors, solves parking lot drainage issues, removes invasive species, and provides a welcoming face to Wolfeboro for residents and visitors alike arriving on South Main Street.
Many opportunities are available to donate an item, such as a tree or plant, as a tribute to honor or memorialize a friend or loved one. For further information, call 603-569-6802.
Please include your name and other pertinent information on the DONATION AND PLEDGE FORM. Mail your donations to the Wolfeboro Public Library Foundation, PO Box 472, Wolfeboro NH 03894.
Thank you for your continued support of the library.
August 10, 2021 - The Wolfeboro Library Trustees signed a contract with the Horsley-Witten Group (Exeter NH and Sandwich MA) to develop a landscape architectural plan for the land surrounding the building and parking areas. The bidding for the contract resulted in four submissions. The Trustees’ and the Trustees’ Landscape Committee voted unanimously to select Horsley-Witten as the best firm for the project.
The Wolfeboro Public Library Foundation provided a grant of $15,998 to the Library to cover the total contracted price of the project.
Library Foundation Treasurer, Bob Woerheide, (right) presents the check to Cindy Scott, Library Director while John Sandeen, (left) Library Foundation President joins the celebration.
The initial project meeting is scheduled to kick-off on August 20th. The process of developing the landscape plan will include meetings and charrettes with Library Staff, Town officials, Town committees, abutters, library patrons and Wolfeboro citizens. You are welcome to participate and share your ideas for the plan. A schedule of these meetings will be published and available at the library.
The Wolfeboro Public Library Foundation raised $1.3 Million dollars from donors toward the cost of the recent renovation and expansion of the library, representing 26% of the cost of the project.
The Library Foundation now is soliciting donations for the beautification of the grounds of the library. Donations to the Library Foundation Landscape Fund will be used to implement the final design. The final design will be widely published, and site drawings will be posted at the library. Construction of the final design could begin later this year depending on weather and contracts and will continue into 2022.
Donations to the Library Landscape Fund can be made by cliicking DONATE or by mailing a check marked Landscape Fund to: Wolfeboro Public Library Foundation, PO Box 472, Wolfeboro NH 03894.
The expanded and newly renovated Wolfeboro Public Library opened in February 2020. It is open to the public with some necessary restrictions to keep the public and the staff safe as we continue to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. We have a much larger children's area with a special nook for storytelling. The library has a much larger meeting room with state of the art audio visual equipment as well as several smaller meeting rooms. There is a dedicated genealogy room. Book and technology capacities are increased. The library staff now is working in adequate office space as well as having storage space for the constant flow of materials in and out of the library. The new library is equiped with efficient heating, cooling and lighting systems. Photo by Amy Piper Photography
Pictures of the New Library
Building Fund Agreement
Shovel ready at last!
Wolfeboro Library expansion/renovation begins
Elissa Paquette, picture
Ellie and Katry Casto brought their own hard hats and shovels to join the official groundbreaking ceremony on Friday, Sept. 28, for the Wolfeboro Public Library’s expansion and renovation project. They said the library is their favorite place in Wolfeboro.
Service Points
What is gained with the expansion and renovation of the Wolfeboro Public Library?